Super Moon Setting-1

by Charles Hite
Super Moon Setting-1
Charles Hite
Photograph - Digital Photograph
On May 5, 2012, the Super Full Moon was scheduled to rise. Although the Moon achieves perigee once a month, a Super Moon occurs once a year when the full Moon is at its closet perigee. Typically all the excitement is given to this full Moon rising, as it looks a little larger close to the horizon. Unfortunately, in Columbia, SC, this moon rise was shrouded by clouds. Well, if a full Moon rises in the east, a full Moon will set the next morning in the west. I took this photograph the next morning on May 6, as the Moon was setting over Lake Murray. The color of the sky is not false. This phenomenon is known as The Belt of Venus. It occurs everyday in the west as the sun is rising in the east, and then again in the east as the sun sets. Sometimes low clouds will obscure it. This color only last for about 20 minutes, so proper timing is essential to capture it.
November 19th, 2012